And now for something completely different... Today we have a blog post from Andrew Butler, the Dalkey Island warden, where we're hoping to establish a colony of Roseate Terns after years of intermittent breeding attempts:
To the north of Dalkey Island lie two small
islands, one with some vegetation and one just bare rock. These are Lamb Island and
Maidens’ Rock and are home to three species of tern; Common, Arctic and
This season
for the first time since the late 1990’s we have 32 roseate tern nest boxes on Lamb and
7 on Maidens’, it is also the first time there has been an employed Warden for the islands since the late 1990’s. The new warden and nest boxes are in place thanks to the support of
the Roseate Tern EU LIFE Programme, Dun Laoghaire & Rathdown County Council and of
course BirdWatch Ireland who run the project.
As well as
the nest boxes we have also placed some gravel in the depressions in the rock as nesting substrate, to make the site as attractive as possible to terns looking to breed,
especially Roseate Terns.
Loading 'Ken', the ferryman's boat, with nestboxes and gravel amongst other supplies. |
We made our first visit Monday 16th
May to assess the site and put out some of the gravel then brought out ‘tern
meadows’ estate on Tuesday. To our delight we recorded our first egg on the
gravel we had placed the day before, an Arctic laid evening 16th or
17th on Maiden’s Rock.
The first egg (Arctic Tern, foreground), Roseate Tern nest boxes and Steve Newton spreading
gravel. for nesting Terns A. Butler, taken under NPWS license.
On 23rd May I made my first
dedicated nest search. On Maidens’ Rock I found 5 Nests and 8 Eggs,
however one was predated so 4 NESTS and
7 EGGS were recorded (mostly Common).
Since then, I have covered the site weekly to
survey the nest status.
Between 4th & 7th
June I counted 105 nests between the 3 islands with one
nest on Dalkey Island. I hope it’s not doomed as it is surrounded by large
gulls, at least they keep the crows away. The nests had a total of 209 eggs.
2 of our first Arctic Tern chicks, one
hidden in its neighbour’s nest. A. Butler, taken under NPWS license.
During latest survey between 15th
& 18th June I found that 17 nests had been predated, however there were 10 new nests. There was a
very significant milestone; we have our first chicks! 23 chicks between the 3 islands, so the lone nest on Dalkey has a
chick. We have 169 eggs at the
latest count.
Most of the terns currently nesting are Arctics. I hope to have
a more accurate split between species as the chicks hatch. This could be a
record year in terms of total terns but with no Rosies it’s not the best it
could be.
We did have a Roseate visit Thursday 2nd
but I didn’t hang around.
View of Tern Meadows, Tuesday evening.
Taken under NPWS license.
It’s not all about the birds in Dalkey
though. Being beside a big centre of population, people are important in the
context of the project and its success. With that in mind and because it’s always
nice to introduce people to the wonders of birds I have been running events at
Colliemore Harbour and on Dalkey Island.
Every Tuesday evening and a few
we have the Dalkey Tern Watch from the pier, spotting
all the birds we can, with most oos and aahs coming from gull and Oystercatcher
chicks so far. The walks on the island run after the weekend tern watch, where
I tell people about the species breeding on the islands and the importance of
giving them space. So far the events have been very successful, so thank you to
both those who have just happened upon the events and those dedicated visitors.
I’m glad to see a few familiar faces return each week.
Tuesday evening Tern Watch at Colliemore Harbour. |
Great Black-backed Gull adult and three chicks seen on the Nature Walk event on Dalkey Island. Picture by A. Butler, taken under NPWS license. |